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DeepUp GmbH
Am Bonner Bogen 6
53227 Bonn
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Deep Up Vernetzung Grafik auf schwarzen Hintergrund
The faces behind DeepUp

Together We Create the Future.

Welcome to the world of DeepUp, where innovation and collaboration are our driving forces. Our exceptional team brings together experts in artificial intelligence, machine learning, software development, and more.

MauriceProduct Development
AnnaPeople & Culture
CaitlinCustomer Operations
DmitryProduct Development
VladimirProduct Development
SebastianProduct Development
JanOffice & Administration
FerdinandProduct Development
YannikSales & Marketing
LorenzProduct Development
MarcoCustomer Operations
ChristianProduct Development
AdrianaProduct Development
NikoCustomer Operations
AleksProduct Development
JanProduct Development
JenniferPeople & Culture
LouisProduct Development
MelanieSales & Marketing
HaukeProduct Development
DarioProduct Development
LarsCustomer Operations
SimonProduct Development
PatrickCustomer Operations
KatjaProduct Development
SarahProduct Development
DennisProduct Development
TobiaszProduct Development
AndreasProduct Development
DanielProduct Development
RazvanCustomer Operations
JorgeProduct Development
PhilippProduct Development
AminOffice & Administration
MarcelProduct Development
AaronCustomer Operations
AndreasProduct Development
Sebastian Product Development

Collaboration is our catalyst for innovation.
Across diverse roles, we unite to challenge conventions
and pioneer solutions that reshape the future.

Zwei Mitarbeiter DeepUp während einer Besprechung
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